Everything about the priority signs

In traffic you come across various intersections. By this we mean intersections with priority signs, also called regulated intersections, but also intersections without priority signs, unregulated intersections.
Our focus here is on the first part: intersections with priority signs. Knowing the 4 priority signs is essential to safely approach an intersection. Easily learn the rules about giving and receiving priority at the priority signs and be optimally prepared for your CBR theory exam.
Priority signs where YOU have priority:
We start by going through priority signs where you are given priority by other drivers:
Priority sign #1: The Priority Road
This sign entails a powerful rule: after you have passed the traffic sign, you have priority over all drivers coming from the left and right on the intersecting road. So you’re the boss now!
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Priority sign #2: Priority intersection
When you see this traffic sign, you are given priority over all drivers coming from the left and right. In concrete terms, this means that as a driver on the thick line you have priority over those with thin lines, both on your left and right.
Additional priority intersections with side roads on the left and right:
Here I would also like to quickly introduce you to two BFFs of the priority intersection traffic sign: the “Priority intersection side road on the left” and the “Priority intersection with side road on the right.” Guess what? The same rule applies to them! When you see these signs, you are once again in charge of drivers with the thin line, whether they come from the left or the right.
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Priority signs where you must give priority:
Now we’re going to talk about priority signs where you have to give way when approaching them!
Priority sign #3: Shark teeth
When approaching this road sign, it is time to roll out the red carpet for drivers on the intersecting road. You must therefore give way to all drivers from the left and right when approaching this traffic sign.
Priority sign #4: Stop sign
Here you must give priority to the drivers on the crossing road. Please note that you are obliged to stop here anyway, even if no one is coming at all. So to be clear, you must yield to crossing drivers at shark teeth and at both a stop sign, but at a stop sign you are obliged to stop even if no one is approaching.
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Perimeter of the priority signs:
Please note that there are three special signs, by this we mean signs where you can already see from the outline what kind of traffic sign it is. The three signs that you should also know by heart are the priority road, shark’s tooth and stop sign.