
Here is a summary of the most commonly asked questions. If you don't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service. You can reach us by phone at 020 78 55 756 or send us a WhatsApp message at 0624581599.

Can I do the taxi theory in English?

The taxi theory and the CBR exam for taxi are only available in Dutch, we do not offer the taxi theory in English.

Can I also request an exam with extra time?

This is possible. You must indicate this immediately after registering with us by telephone or via our Whatsapp so that we can take this into account when booking your exam. Please note: an exam with extra time costs €20 more, for the extra costs you will receive a payment link from us.

What time does the course start?

The English course is a 2-day course usually on Sunday & Monday. You will have class on Sunday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. On the second day you have lessons from 07:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The CBR exam follow after the course on Monday.

What if I don’t pass the theory exam?

Should you desire another opportunity for the course and exam, you can effortlessly re-register through the website. Plus, if you do so within six months of your prior attempt, you’ll receive a generous 50-euro discount as a token of our appreciation! Alternatively, if you solely wish to retake only the exam, you can arrange it independently through the CBR website.

What should I bring to the theory exam?

The crucial aspect is having a valid ID in your possession – either a passport or an identity card. Without a valid ID, the CBR will not permit you to take the exam.

What do the terms “small”, “reasonable” or “high” mean on the website?

During registration you can filter theory courses by the following three terms: “small”, “reasonable” or “high”. The terms indicate how much chance you have of actually getting a reservation at the CBR for the theory exam on your indicated “preferred date”. The closer the date, the more difficult it is to find an exam spot at the CBR. Since we depend on the available sloths at the CBR, we unfortunately cannot guarantee any date for a 100%. But don’t worry! If we can’t find a spot on your preferred date, we will always consult with you and find a suitable alternative for you.

How long is the theory exam certificate valid?

Your theory certificate is valid for 1.5 years. This means that you must pass for the practical exam within a year and a half otherwise your theory will expire.

Do I have to book the theory exam myself or will you do that?

The inclusion of this feature relies on the package you choose during registration. If you register for the course with the CBR exam, this service comes bundled in. Simply grant us authorization, and we’ll manage the exam booking on your behalf.

Persoon die vriendelijk vooruit kijkt.

Need help?

Please contact our customer service. You can call us on the number below or send us a Whatsapp message on 06-24581599

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(020) 78 55 756
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